
Welcome to this corner of the internet.

The intentions here are… authenticity, non-judgment, healing, sustainability, positive and healthy growth, connection, a beautiful life, presence, harmony and unity.

Sometimes, things are written to be informative or helpful.

Sometimes, things are written for the pure sake of expression and may hold little or no meaning for you.

This is a space for trial-and-error, for investigation, for play, for inner-child exploration, for unconscious deep-diving. If you feel like you may have received insight or support from things written here – that is simply a bonus 🙂

You may or may not get triggered by what is written here. Whilst I do therapeutic work, it doesn’t mean everything will be therapeutic. Take life at your own risk and learn your body awareness clues, to what situation, places and environments feel correct for you to be in.


Some more information, please click the above link.
